Monday, November 30, 2020

Friday, November 27, 2020

Friday, November 20, 2020

dance party.


i am learning to do code.all and i did this dance party and so i published it.question do you know code.all.....

when i tasted a radish.

 i am learning to write thing on my chromebook like this so i did you liek radishes

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Friday, November 13, 2020

spider animation


i am learning to do animations so i made this spider animation cause i like spiders.question do you like spiders.

answer of all chilli's

 i am learning to do reading maths questions so i made this answer of all chilli's.are these the right answers.

moth writing


i am learning to do writing and i made this one cause i like writing.question do you like this writing

bug poster

 i am learning to do posters so i made this spider one cause i like spiders.question do you like spiders.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Friday, November 6, 2020

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Protecting earth 2.

i enjoyed doing this cause this is my second protecting earth and i like to make one like this. question do you like both of my posters?. 

Protecting earth.

I enjoyed doing this because i like posters and so i made this.Question do you like posters


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

concluding by ihaka

 i enjoyed doing this cause i like reading (only a little bit) so i posted this.question do you do reading?

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Friday, October 16, 2020

Thursday, October 15, 2020

My poster 2.


My Ihaka.

I am learning about bugs so i did this poster about Monarch Butterfly so i can put it on my blog.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Ihaka's Cool Minecraft Animation

 I was learning how to make an animation.

I enjoyed doing this because I play Minecraft a lot of times  and so I wanted to do a animation of Minecraft (Question) Do you enjoy Minecraft? What do you think about my Animation?

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

mike,s lucky ice cream

i enjoyed doing this because usually its called mike,s lucky ice cream and i love ice cream.question do you like ice cream.  


Monday, September 7, 2020

one man,s band.

i enjoyed doing this cause there was a video and i like videos.question have you watched one man,s band.


Friday, September 4, 2020


 rhyppets rhyming know that these can help your child learn and wr

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

finger pricktest

 i enjoyed doing this cause i like doing videos and also i,m showing you what i do at morning,lunch and dinner.question do you have diabetes if you do watch this video.

Monday, August 24, 2020


I have type 1 diabetes, diabetes is a thing that you have to much sugar in your body so you do something called a finger prick. a finger prick test is something that you have to do on you finger and its like getting a prickle. When you do it you the blood goes into a reader and tells you your blood sugar level. if your blood sugar is below 4.0 your having a hypo and need to have something with lots of sugar, if your blood sugar is higher than 15.0 your having a hyper. Something called insulin is a thing like gets injected into you belly and balances the sugar in your body. I need to finger prick test 3 times a day.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

the healers apprentice

i enjoyed doing this because i like books and i love doing reading on my Chromebook.question do you like my blog                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Mira,s mum works in the kitchen and her dad works in the stables

Thursday, July 23, 2020

olden days

i enjoyed doing this because i like avater maker and i love doing tasks.question does this look like me

how to make a snowflake.

i enjoyed doing this because i like snowflakes and i love creating things.question do you understand.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Blog profile

Kia ora! My name is Ihaka, I go to Papakura Central School. I am in Year 3 and my teacher is Miss Haerewa. In my family there is Jamie,Veronica and my brother. My favorite food is fried chicken, my favorite movie is teen titans go to the movies. and in my spare time I like to matific. I think I am good at maths and I love learning about who discovered NZ. My goal for this year is working.
Blog Profile Writing Frame my whiting is good. I am a boy and I love school. I do a lot of fun things and I play with my friends.


i enjoyed watching this because it was really fun.question look at this cool whiting

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


i enjoyed doing this because you need to learn not to put your phone number,email and last name question do you have a blog if you do dont put private information on it.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

my main idea

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

i enjoyed moving the thumbs up and thumbs down.i learn that two do nice comments to blogs.a question do you think this is write.

Friday, June 19, 2020

te reo.

i enjoyed doing this because it was fun,it was easy and it has Maori to learn in it.
a question who are these characters?

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


this how you summaring.i enjoyed doing this because it was easy.question look in this to learn summarising.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Abel tazmen,s journey around nz

i enjoyed doing this because i love animations and i like doing this.
a you like this animation

Thursday, June 11, 2020

see here to know how to do this.

 I e
njoy doing this because it was really fun and I made this person🙋🙋🙋

Friday, June 5, 2020

My game console

my name is ihaka and i enjoyed whiting this because it was fun and hard work.

Once I was sucked into a game. I don't know how I did but i have to complete the game. So first I needed to pass the first level so I got a rush (a thing that can destroy everything) . I got to the boss level and won. Wow I said now I saw a castle and went to it. I saw a trader and traded with a legendary sword and also i saw a keeper and then i said to him what do you do and he said give me something and i,ll show you so i gave him a potion and he was a god i said can i do a  job for you and he said yes he gave me a lantern to find a crystal in the dark so i went to find it in the dark. I was frightened so I got the crystal and runned away. When I returned I gave him the crystal and I slept until the next day. I was back in my world and yay i completed the game and got thirty and had a drink of water and played my game. When I relaxed, a thing popped out of the game. It was a rocket so I went into it and launched out into space. It was fun and then I went home and had lunch.what the... i said what is that i went back into the game to see what was happening the game is about to collapse and i said what and i got everyone out of the game and they have never have been in our world before so i teached then how to live in our world and i did so i gave them some water and they said thank you so i got some food for them to and watched tv so then i was going to go outside with my dog and then i went back in the house to relax. when i was in the house i was watching tv with my mates again and they said i like this place so he said i will stay here forever so i wanted to bake a cake and then i got the icing and put sprinkles on it.  we all had peace and after that we were full and then we played outside after who are you they said im ihaka i said to them i wanted to do things with them so i did and then after that we were freinds forever.i like you one of them said and i said thank you so i went to the supermarket to get some things and i got back to home and watched some tv with my friends and i liked it.when it was night time we all slept together. In the morning we were doing things (tidying the house)and then we had breakfast and after that we got dressed and went outside for a walk.after that we had a rest and then we watched tv and we watched netflix and after that we had a break with our ipad. We wore hungry so we got a snack and it was shapes (shapes is a kind of chips that i like)and after that we drinked some juice and it was yummy and then we did just dance (it's a game that were you have to copy the dance that the dancer is doing)

Thursday, June 4, 2020

public vs private

 we are learning about public and private information i like today task because it was really fun.