Monday, August 24, 2020


I have type 1 diabetes, diabetes is a thing that you have to much sugar in your body so you do something called a finger prick. a finger prick test is something that you have to do on you finger and its like getting a prickle. When you do it you the blood goes into a reader and tells you your blood sugar level. if your blood sugar is below 4.0 your having a hypo and need to have something with lots of sugar, if your blood sugar is higher than 15.0 your having a hyper. Something called insulin is a thing like gets injected into you belly and balances the sugar in your body. I need to finger prick test 3 times a day.


  1. Thank you Ihaka for sharing your experience of having diabetes with us. You have learnt a lot about how to live with diabetes and how your body reacts to sugar levels.

  2. Thank you for sharing your knowledge around Diabetes. You have learnt lots in such a short time. You can do this! Missing my chats! See you next week. Mrs Fox

  3. You sure are learning lots about diabetes. Learning all of this will help you to look after yourself and also teaches us about what diabetes is.

  4. thanks Mrs Derick, Mrs fox and Mrs hearewa.
